Hi Everyone,
This newsletter is packed full of information and is summarized as follows:
- Bobbi Dunlop Workshop Next Weekend
- Additional Membership Survey
- Opportunities to Participate and Contribute within our organization
- Workshop Committee in the midst of planning 2 years of monthly workshops
- Bimonthly drop-in painting nights with Mentor Susan Woolgar
- November meeting with watercolorist George Gordon
Bobbi Dunlop Workshop Next Weekend (Nov 9-11)
There are still four spots remaining for the workshop and there are currently only 4 people signed up for the Friday night demo between 7:00 and 9:00 pm. You can still sign up at the following link: https://www.fcacalgary.caproduct-category/workshops/
Additional Membership Survey
Thank you to everyone who attended October’s meeting and to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. We discussed the results of the survey extensively and the results are highlighted in the minutes. If you don’t mind spending a few minutes filling out an additional survey to gain more insight on what our members are looking for, the link is below: FCA Calgary Membership Survey November 2018 – please complete by end of day Sunday, November 12.
Opportunities to Participate and Contribute within our organization
We would love to move forward with many of the great ideas that were suggested in the survey. In order to do that, we need volunteers to step forward. We have decided to put committees together with smaller roles, so the tasks are not as daunting and have more of an opportunity to be social in nature. I have included a list of opportunities that people can become involved in. Currently, all of the positions listed are vacant. We can build a phenomenal organization if we get people in place working together to get each simple task done. I think the momentum is starting to roll and it will keep compounding as we get more people on board. We would like to launch a campaign to promote the FCA and have some new artists join the organization. We can grow this organization into something amazing. Please fill out the survey and contact me if you can’t wait to get on board. "Looking back, I realize I was happiest when active and involved in serving the FCA. Proof of the old adage, "the more you give the more you receive". Volunteering your time can be very rewarding in more ways than one and I recommend everyone try it." A quote from Ken Lampard… As a pressing matter, I am sad to announce that Shannon King has stepped down as secretary. In a note to me, she mentioned the following: “The work you are doing to rebuild and breath fresh air into the organization is important and desired by new members. I am very proud of what has happened over the past year and how you have stepped up as a leadership team to continue the very difficult transformation to being a Functioning Board (with full fiduciary responsibilities to its members).” Unfortunately, we cannot run a full executive board without someone taking her place. It is not a difficult position and it is a great way to get involved with the organization. The duties are listed in the notes below. Secretary – this is the most pressing position, as we cannot run our chapter with a vacant executive member position. The Secretary is responsible for all the correspondence of the FCA Calgary Chapter. He/She prepares and keeps minutes from all meetings, and makes these available to members upon request. The Secretary also has custody of all records and documents of the chapter except those required to be kept by the Treasurer. Promotions Coordinator – We would like to make a flyer with information about membership and how to apply to the FCA. This would be available at some popular art supply stores, local galleries and other art organizations around the city Social Media Coordinator – We would like to have all of the articles from art avenue posted on the Facebook group (and Instagram?). We are looking for someone to monitor posts from members regarding upcoming shows, exhibits, awards and workshops… Maybe features from member artists etc. Someone who has an understanding of social media would be great. Paint-in Host – We need someone to act as a host for our bi-annual drop-in painting nights on the first and third Thursday’s of each month. Come paint, take attendance and hand out the odd cheque. We don’t need commitment for all the sessions as we can have different people fill in as needed. I would love to have someone who makes sure that there is a host attending each session. Show Committee Coordinator – we will be gathering up show committee members for the spring show. We need someone to chair the committee and act as show coordinator in order to run the show through the FCA organization. Details on the show committee will be available shortly Newsletter Coordinator – This person would gather information from the president and the other committee chairs to spread information in a monthly newsletter for the chapter. Program Coordinator – We are looking for a Program Coordinator to help in planning and organizing programs and activities at monthly meetings.
Workshop Committee in the midst of planning 2 years of monthly workshops
I am happy to announce that we have put a team of six individuals together for our workshop committee. We met for dinner this past Tuesday to take on the task of planning two years’ worth of workshops. It is important to the organization to continue providing great workshops to our members. More details will follow shortly.
Bi-monthly drop-in painting nights with mentor Susan Woolgar
As requested strongly by the members who responded to the survey, we are in the final stages of setting up a bi-monthly paint-in at Kensington Art Supply. It will be a drop-in event with Susan Woolgar as a mentor – bring your paintings in any media, socialize with other members and take-in Susan’s tips to turn your paintings into masterpieces. It will be held the first and third Thursday of each month starting in January. Details are still being confirmed and information and sign-up details will be available shortly.
November Meeting
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