
The Federation of Canadian Artists Calgary Chapter is known for its comprehensive art workshop calendar. There are workshops held from September to June either live or online annually. Member (affiliates) are surveyed regularly as to the kinds of workshops that would best meet their needs and every effort is made to hire quality instructors for that purpose. In addition, affiliates are entitled to the members special pricing for workshops just by being a member and contributing to the activities of the Chapter.

During the pandemic, the FCACC moved on-line for everything and discovered that there were many international art instructors who had developed their electronic availability to a level that was excellent. It became apparent that now the world is accessible to our members through this medium and the Calgary Chapter will continue to offer a few on-line workshops every year because of this.

In addition to art instruction, the Calgary Chapter believes it is important to introduce members to various and current business skills as it relates to their art practice. To learn how to photograph art, work with social media, keep art inventory are all part of a well informed artist member if they wish to pursue that. The FCACC wishes to provide those opportunities.

DVD Collection

Through the years, the Federation of Canadian Artists Calgary Chapter has collected and managed a very wide selection of art instruction DVDs. This is operated as a library where member (affiliates) can sign for any DVD that is available to keep and watch for a period of time. The catalog is itemized and available to members only under the members login area of this website. It is maintained by a volunteer and DVDs can be picked up at FCACC meetings and functions.


The Calgary Chapter has an abundance of art demos on line or live. During the pandemic, meetings were held online and yet a number of excellent artists were able to deliver an informative and complete demo following each meeting. The FCACC also endeavours to provide free demos for members from each workshop presenter usually on the evening prior to the first day of all workshops. This has allowed members to be informed about new ideas and processes that they have not seen even if they have not registered for the workshop material being demoed.