Monthly Meetings
Everyone is welcome to attend our chapter meetings to get to know our members and learn more about the FCA. We often have a painting demonstration or some other lecture of interest to new and established artists as part of our monthly meeting.
We meet on third Tuesday of every month from
September to May (Excluding December)
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Meeting ID: 894 3919 9597
This is the link for ALL of our chapter meetings, so put it in your calendar notes section, and you will always have it easily accessible. You do not need a password, just click on the link and you will be taken to the meeting. If I haven’t started the meeting yet, then you will see a screen that says so and just leave it open and when I start the meeting, it will open for you. You want to click ‘join with computer audio”. I suggest you take the meeting on a desktop computer so you will have room to see everyone. In the top right you will see a button that shows gallery view or speaker view -toggle to gallery view if you want to see everyone on the call. If you have it on speaker view, then I will fill your screen (lucky you!) or whoever is giving a report. There is a CHAT icon on your screen -if you open that you can type in comments and questions during the meeting. PLEASE EVERYONE, join with video! We have missed seeing everyone’s faces, and that is why we are having our meetings this way! I will mute everyone when the meeting is to begin, but you can have the first 10 minutes to chat amongst yourselves. PLEASE NOTE: It is NEW for me to run my own zoom meeting, but I have attended tons. Please be patient with me, and I will do likewise 🙂
****Here is an excellent Youtube tutorial about how to get on a Zoom meeting if you have never been on one before: PLEASE watch that video well before our call!!
Youtube is putting annoying ads into their videos, so when you see an ad launching, just wait for the countdown timer on the bottom right to say “Skip ads”, hit that, and you will be taken back to your Youtube video!
Please click on that Zoom link at 6:50pm on meeting dates, just so we can all get on before the meeting begins. I will start the call about 12 minutes early so that I can welcome you! You should be able to click the zoom link at any time and it will take you to zoom. I won’t be there, but you can see that it works and that you can get in. Please eliminate any noise going on around you as Zoom is very sensitive and will pick up all the ambient noise in each person’s location. Thank you in advance!!
6110-34 St. SW, Calgary, AB
Still Have Questions?
Fill out the form below and someone will be in touch shortly. Thank you for your interest in the FCA Calgary Chapter.