Ron Czemeres

Ron is a self taught artist. Acrylic is his current choice of medium after working in oil for two decades. Ron is from a small town in Saskatchewan and moved to Calgary in 1977 after receiving an engineering degree and was employed in the oil industry until 2010 when he retired. He joined the FCA, Calgary Branch in 2012 and received his AFCA in 2022. Ron works in a modernistic style and focuses on buildings and historic signs. His paintings are full of colour and geometric shapes. He uses the “new” acrylics in his paintings, such as the use of molding paste (to build up the surface of his paintings), sparkles, gloss gels, and glass beads, just to mention a few. He was accepted in the Calgary Stampede Show for 5 years (2015 – 19) and has also shown at the Federation Gallery in Vancouver, as well as other shows in Calgary. Ron has also donated paintings to raise funds for charities.