My art study is mostly self-directed with a lot of play and experimentation although I have taken many workshops and few evening classes. When in studio, I work from photos, plein-air studies, or still life set up. My work is varied in subject and medium because I appreciate the significance of each story and want to represent it in the best way possible. I am most interested in the relationship and variety of light contrast and what it does to colour in any medium or subject. I do find that subjects that relate to my rural roots suits me best though which is why I love painting outdoors en-plein-air when I can.
I am the current President of the Federation of Canadian Artists – Calgary Chapter. I worked hard for four years to submit work to the Federation of Canadian Artists in order to attain accreditation and now qualify as a juror for this organization. I remain a member in good standing of the Leighton Art Centre, The Colored Pencil Society of America and several local level arts organizations. I teach art workshops and classes for various art clubs around Alberta. I have sold work through several galleries around Alberta, BC and at public and private events.
My current work exploration includes landscape studies in semi-realistic and abstract as well as abstract design. I am working on developing more understanding as to how to incorporate subtle texture relief and colour patterns into my work. I can’t wait to see where this goes.