April Lund

Carly Clements wrote that the artist’s statement is written “to tell someone who I am, what my art is all about and why I created it”. Quite frankly, “who, what and why” are constantly evolving. Every painting forces left and right brains to shake hands. It is, for me, simultaneously meditative, stimulating, contemplative and surprising. Each painting develops a life of its own. The process of creating a painting is eternally fascinating to me.


Born in Saskatchewan, April spent most of her life as a Calgarian, with forays to Penticton, Edmonton (twice), Halifax and Victoria. Retired from the 9 to 5 cycle, she is now thoroughly enjoying the freedom this stage of her life has to offer and embracing the easy lifestyle of the East Kootenays.

An avid explorer with brush, pencil and clay throughout childhood and her public school years, she entered the University of Calgary Fine Arts Program right out of high school. However, the siren’s call of a regular paycheck and family that followed soon after kept her firmly anchored (mainly in the area of law) for the next 35 years. After a second brush with serious illness and a week-long immersion in the finest galleries of London, Edinburgh and Glasgow, April decided it was time to revisit her previous passion and took a course at the Alberta College of Art and Design aptly titled “Painting for the Utterly Intimidated”.

Having been fortunate enough to have lived on both of Canada’s beautiful coasts, the myriad facets of water have and will be a recurring theme in her art. Having spent most of her life living at the foot of the Canadian Rockies, mountain art also makes frequent appearances in her work.

April works primarily in acrylic (having the patience of a gnat when it comes to waiting out drying times and, yes, guilty of occasionally using a blow dryer in order to keep working), April is slowly experimenting with works in wood and other mixed media.

April’s work has been recognized nationally and internationally, juried into multiple professional level shows, local shows and has had several solo shows. She is currently a juried member of Federation of Canadian Artists, both National and Calgary Chapters. You can see more of her work on her social media accounts:
